Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Background of Hrm Essay

Key Points to Share: Human resources management is the process of controlling and managing people to achieve an organization’s objectives. For example, it specifies what time the employees have to arrive and determines what kind of task suits to the individual. 1. The Evolution of Human Resource Management Function 1.1 Scientific Administration The concept is to put the right man to the right job. When a person keeps working on repetitive jobs, tasks get done quicker. For rewarding system, the more they work, the more they get paid. Employees are seen as machines (cost) and the company tells them what to do. Being repetitive work routines, employees get bored and dissatisfied. Moreover, there is a lack of communication between employees. 1.2 Personnel Administration The concept is quite similar to science administration because a company sees employees as machines (cost). It gives little attention in dealing with human. This concept is usually found in manufacturing jobs and factories. It focuses on controlling, hiring, and firing people. For example, a company makes sure that employees come to work and leave on time by using clock-in and clock-out system. 1.3 Human Relations Movement There are more interactions between people. Participation in discussion and knowledge sharing are allowed, resulting in a closer distance between boss and employees. It is the time that organization moves from controlling to sharing ideas. As a result, company can have more options and be innovative. Also, employees would feel more comfortable and have a sense of belonging to the company. 1.4 Human Resource Management It focuses on how a company manages people, understanding employees’ needs and wants, and making their employees as an asset. Employees are trained in order to develop necessary skills for long-term advantages. This concept is influenced through practices, policies, and function of employees in the company. The business strategy links to HR strategy including job design and structure, recruitment, selection, training, rewarding and promotion, career management, and performance management. In the case whereby employers treat employees well, it is beneficial in the long run in maintaining relationship with employees. 5. Strategic Human Resource Management It shows how a company link different HR practices together. Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) is a good example of corporate institute run by CP. It offers courses that try to develop important skills in the way the company wants. In this strategy, the company links their educational courses to organizational strategy to prepare students to become well-trained employees. McKinsey 7S Model and Strategic HRM Value identifies what is good and what is right. Company tries to stress on the importance of keeping the company’s value. Also, company tries to pass on company’s value generation to generation. 2. Current Competitive Challenges in HRM 2.1 Globalization has an impact toward HRM in terms of movement of people, war for talent, and regional integration. Nowadays, people can easily work anywhere because of trade policy and immigration policy. These policies allow more flows of goods and services, and also factors of production. It benefits companies which are seeking for potential labors. Also, many multinational companies send expatriates to work in foreign countries. However, there is also a bigger gap between good brand image companies and companies that cares more about reducing costs. In Asia, we have a potential to become an important source of labor since there is a trend of growth pool such as ASEAN, China, and India. Above all, the labor cost is cheap. As a Thai citizen, we think that it is going to be hard for Thailand to compete with other ASEAN countries for many reasons such as cultural factors and social factors. For cultural factors, Thais are lazy and they are not willing to do dangerous, difficult, and dirty jobs. For social factors, Thais do not want to work outside of the country because they do not want to be apart from their families. In Thai society, grandparents help to look after their grandchildren while parents can go to work and this shows strong family ties of Thai culture. 2.2 Human Capital is skills, knowledge, and competency of individuals that bring economic benefits to an organization. It can be developed through supportive national policy by government, corporate tailor-made strategies by companies, and continuous self-improvement by individuals. In Western countries, the company seeks for employees who have a good communication skill, leadership, capabilities and creativity. On the other hand, Thailand focuses more on being knowledgeable. The companies start to make their own strategy to attract human capital. For example, CP creates its own university to train its potential employees. By doing so, CP can offer specialized training and also detect talented people that they are looking for. 3. Change Management There are two types of changes which are reactive change and proactive change. Reactive change is a change when something has already happened while proactive change is doing something before it happens. A company needs to have change management programs to prepare employees for uncertainty and make sure that they can adapt to various situations. However, the effort to change can fail for many reasons. If the companies do not wish to encounter failure, they should maintain proactive change. For example, the price of company A’s stock may decline from time to time. Thereby, company can give incentives to stockholders to encourage them to buy its shares. 4. Cost Containment There are five cost containments including downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring, onshoring, and crowdsourcing. 1. Downsizing happens when most companies layoffs their employees during the financial crisis. 2. Outsourcing is using the third party to work in the organization. It saves costs of hiring and training employees. Also, it helps companies to be more flexible. 3. Offshoring (Global Sourcing) is a business practice of sending jobs to other countries. For instance, many Western countries move their production part to other countries in Asia to cut costs. 4. Onshoring is a business practice of sending jobs to other locations within the country. For instance, the minimum wage in Thailand is 300 Baht. If employees live in Bangkok or Phuket, they would have to spend more on expensive necessities. However, if they live in other parts of the country, they would find it cheaper. 5. Crowdsourcing is the process whereby a company amateurs to design or create their products instead of full-time employees. It can help in terms of reducing cost. 2.5 Technology There are two types of technology which have impact on HRM which are Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM). HRIS is the technology that introduces and provides data to the company. Examples would be MUIC OASIS and Googledoc. E-HRM is a process of transferring the information that is used for HRM. In other words, it is a tool that uses to access the system such as iPhone and iPad. These two types of technology are helpful for HR functions such as learning, recruiting and training. However, technology has many drawbacks such as privacy issues, uncontrollable spread of data, and the overuse of technology causing lower productivity of employees. 3. Employee concerns in the workplace 3.1 Background diversity There should be no discrimination in terms of national origin, race, religion, marital status and personal appearance in the organization. In U.S., there is an EEO Law (Equal Employment Opportunity Law) which makes sure that companies treat the employees equally. 3.2 Age diversity In some companies, they prefer elderly because these people are more knowledgeable. They are better at giving advices to customers. Generation Typology 1. Veterans (1920-1946) 2. Baby boomers (1947-1964) 3. Generation X (1965-1980) 4. Generation Y (1981-2000) 5. Generation Z (1995-2010) 6. Generation I (2001 onwards) 3.3 Gender issues in workplace 3.3.1 Sexual preferences: Masculinity vs. femininity For example, there is a certain perception of women as housewives and men as income earners. As a result, men are preferred at the workplace as they are seen to be more productive at work. However, this issue does not only apply to male and female preference, but also third genders. 3.3.2 Sexual harassment can be in both verbal and physical ways such as sexual jokes, language usage, and physical touching. 3.3.3 Office romance is prohibited in some companies to avoid issue of being biased on performance and evaluation. 3.3.4 Grass ceiling means there are some unseen barriers which block female from promoting to upper job positions such as CEO, COO, CFO, etc. There are three reasons that obstruct women to be on a top position. †¢ Stereotype: Company directors and executives would consider women as less talented than men to reach higher position. They believe that women are too sympathetic and therefore, cannot be a leader. †¢ Old boy’s network: male would like to create their own league, which causes tougher obstacle for women. †¢ Cultural influence: Japan, Korea, and Taiwan focus more on masculinity while Scandinavian countries focus more on femininity. 3.3.5 Marital Status: Being single or married can have am impact on being selected. For example, if you are married, you will be seen as a responsible person and concerned more about job security because they have a family to support. 3.4 Job security Unlike past decades, the current tendency of job security is expressed as instability because of world economic crisis, excessive welfare in Northern and Western Europe, and characteristic of new generation. More people would prefer to be a freelance (do not get regular and secure jobs but irregular and insecure jobs such as part time jobs in 7-11 or fast food store). 4. Conclusion With background of human resource management, a company could understand more about the evolution of this science, learn from the history, and choose a method that suits to its style. To success in managing people, we have to concern about both competitive challenges and employee concerns. These two things will be used to consider and applied to HR functions which are planning, recruitment, staffing, job design, training, appraisal, communications, compensation, benefits, and labor relations. If a company can adapt and adjust its HR processes properly, it will be surely successful. There is no business, if there is no people to work for it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Cell Phone Essay

Small wireless device that has at least the same functions of a standard wired telephone but is smaller and more mobile. A cell phone requires a subscription to a service provider and requires either a prepaid or monthly billing setup. Generally, they have more functions than traditional land lines and need to be charged after a period of time. Also called mobile phone or mobile device.— A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.—Wikipedia A portable telephone that uses wireless cellular technology to send and receive phone signals. This technology works by dividing the Earth into small regions called cells. Within each cell the wireless telephone signal goes over its assigned bandwidth to a cell tower, which relays the signal to a telephone switching network, connecting the user to the desired party.— Cell phone increase in the Philippines The use of mobile phones in the Philippines has brought better information access for farmers, broader citizen engagement and link to traffic data for taxi drivers, according to a new World Bank report. The country also witnessed one of the first uses of text messaging as a medium for social change during the EDSA II revolt in 2001 that led to the ouster of then President Joseph Estrada, the study cited. According to the report â€Å"Information and Communications for Development: Maximizing Mobile,† which was released on Monday, there were 101 mobile cellular subscriptions for every 100 people in the Philippines in 2011, a jump from 41 subscriptions for every 100 people in 2005. The report defined mobile cellular subscriptions as subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provided access to the public switched telephone network. Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions were included. But it said that mobile subscriptions did not reflect actu al mobile phone ownership since there could be multiple subscriptions. Worldwide, the number of mobile subscriptions grew from one billion in 2000 to more than six billion in 2011, of which nearly five billion were in developing countries, the report said. In 2011, 96 percent of the total mobile cellular subscriptions in the Philippines were prepaid. In 2010, mobile cellular network in the Philippines covered 99 percent of the population and 80 percent of households reported ownership of a mobile telephone. The World Bank cited the Philippines as an example in using mobile’s potential to strengthen accountability and transparency in public services and processes. In particular, it said that the Department of Education has worked with the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and the Pacific to set up a website that allowed the citizens to view significant statistics on local schools. The site, called, is a government-to-citizen online and mobile-based interactive tool that includes information such as budget allocations, teacher and textbook information and test scores for about a fifth of the 44,000 schools in the country, the report said. It is also an avenue for teachers and parents to express areas of concern that they feel should be addressed. The site, which seeks to improve education service delivery through transparent and accountable behavior by school staff, has improved community participation and vigilance and teacher behavior, the World Bank said. â€Å"These efforts are typically innovative because they often change the delivery or management of a conventional service or process,† the report said. Commercial farmers in the Philippines also benefited from accessing price information through mobile phones, reporting income gains and increase in trust of traders, the report cited. Prior to the expansion of mobile networks, agricultural producers were often unaware about prices and had to rely on information from traders and agents, the report said. â€Å"Delays in obtaining this data or misinterpretation of second-hand pricing information has serious consequences for agricultural producers, who may end up underselling their products, delivering too little or too much of the product, or having their products w ither away,† the World Bank said. The study also mentioned Cebu City where taxi drivers use mobile phones with global positioning systems to receive traffic data and dispatch information. The report added that social media, along with messages, videos and pictures sent from mobile phones, were useful tools for organizing protests and monitoring democracy and freedom. â€Å"Mobile communications offer major opportunities to advance human and economic development—from providing basic access to health information to making cash payments, spurring job creation, and stimulating citizen involvement in democratic processes,† said World Bank vice president for sustainable development Rachel Kyte. â€Å"The challenge now is to enable people, businesses and governments in developing countries to develop their own locally relevant mobile applications so they can take full advantage of these opportunities,† Kyte added. Positive Effects of Cell Phone The Positive Effects of Cell Phones on Society Written by chris joseph Cell phone can have positive effects on society. Ever since the early 1990s when cell phone use became widespread, the devices have had a major impact on society. While some effects have been negative, such as the practice of driving while talking on cell phones, they have also had many positive effects. Cell phones can facilitate communication and help family and friends keep in close contact. They have also played a positive role in the operation of businesses. Peace of Mind Cell phones offer parents the peace of mind that they can contact their kids at any time. They can also feel better knowing that their kids can either contact them or the authorities in the event of an emergency situation. People who travel for a living can feel better knowing that if their vehicle breaks down and they become stranded, help is just a quick phone call away. Keeping in Touch Friends and family members who live far apart can easily keep in touch via cell phone. You don’t have to worry about not being at home since the cell phone can go where you go. Kids who are away at college can keep their parents informed of their progress and spouses who are separated due to a lengthy business trip can stay in frequent contact. Business Cell phones can make a difference on how business is conducted. Salespeople can get back to customers more quickly and can conduct business from virtually anywhere. A manager of a fleet of commercial vehicles can easily stay in touch with his drivers and alert them to last-minute changes in a delivery schedule, even if they are in a hotel or have stopped for a bite to eat. Social Networking Cell phones can contribute to one’s ability to network and to broadcast a message to the masses. For example, you can use your cell phone’s text message feature to send and received messages via social networking websites such as Twitter, so you can communicate with large groups of people without the need to be near a computer. Information Exchange Much like the Internet, cell phones increase the ability to exchange and spread information. People with cell phones can spread the word about an important or newsworthy incident as it occurs, giving people the sense of always being â€Å"in the loop.† Camera phones can enhance this exchange of information by adding a visual element. Texting Although text messaging is potentially disruptive, it also contributes to positive changes in organizations. Clients can send quick updates while causing minimal distractions for your employees. As a business owner, cellphones allow you to communicate with employees without spending time talking on the phone, helping you and your employees to multitask with greater efficiency. If a reminder is particularly urgent, you can send your workers text messages along with the typical emails, increasing the chance they receive your message. On-Call Availability Employees who carry cellphones can be reached faster, improving your organization’s ability to respond to short-notice events. Without cellphones, you rely on your employees to be at home to receive messages. On-call availability is important particularly for employees with strict deadlines and unpredictable work schedules. In addition, employees who are on the road often can keep you up-to-date with greater ease. If you have a last-minute change of plans, you can call your employees’ cellphones to let them know. In this way, the on-call nature of cellphones helps your workers be more prepared for their jobs. More Direct Line of Communication The direct nature of cellphone communication provides convenience for your customers. Clients prefer calling a cellphone instead of navigating a front desk or automated answering system. Cellphones help your clients feel important because your employees are easily accessible. Frustrated clients may become angrier when they are forced to navigate a phone system. When your employees have cellphones, clients can reach them quickly, allowing conflict to be resolved faster. In addition, the lack of a middleman between your employees and clients may foster a more personal feeling toward your business. Multiple Lines Organizations lacking an expensive multiple-line phone system may find cellphones invaluable. Your employees receive voice messages from customers without needing a separate phone line at your office. They also don’t have to rely on front-desk notifications. This feature frees time for your front desk employees. At the same time, it decreases the risk of misunderstandings and lost messages as co-workers forward messages to one another.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Exchange Rate Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exchange Rate - Assignment Example Kerr Inc. may reduce its economic exposure to foreign exchange risk by using foreign exchange contracts. A foreign exchange contract will enable the company to make future transactions using the current exchange rate (Jacque & Jacque, 1996). Kerr Inc. can minimize its exposure to foreign exchange risk by expanding its investments to other foreign markets. For instance, the company may experience losses if the U.S dollar appreciates in value against the Japanese Yen. However, the company can recoup the losses if the U.S dollar depreciates or devalues against the currency of another country it exports to, which increases the money the company receives for the same volume of goods (Managing foreign exchange risk, 1986). Alternatively, Kerr Inc. can decide to accept payment for its exports in U.S dollars only. Using the U.S dollar as the only currency of transactions will enable the company to mitigate the exchange rate risk because the exchange rate between the U.S dollar and the Japanese Yen will no longer affect the transactions of Kerr Inc (Managing foreign exchange risk, 1986). Kerr Inc. may decide to charge more for its products in the Japanese market to carter for the foreign exchange risk. This strategy may require the company to study the Japanese Yen to determine the magnitude of the risk of exporting to the Japanese market. For instance, if the company discovers that the Yen fluctuates by about 8% annually, then it may decide to charge 8% more for its products (Jacque & Jacque, 1996). However, this strategy may fail to yield desires results if the exchange rate fluctuates more than anticipated. More so, market forces or government intervention may hinder the company’s move to raise prices for its products (Small Business -, 2015). Small Business - (2015). How Do Companies Mitigate the Risk of Foreign Currency? Retrieved 2 May 2015, from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Russian Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Russian Revolution - Essay Example Why did the revolution occur and what was the result? This is what this paper is going to focus on. The kind of revolution envisaged by Marx and Engels was to be as a result of workers consciousness or bourgeois intelligentsia. In many countries workers started forming trade unions to fight against employers and the government so as to pass labor legislations that improve their conditions. However, for Beeler and Clark the Russian revolution was â€Å"a natural and inevitable outcome of development of ideas among revolutionary socialist intelligentsia.†1 For them, socialist movements such as the trade unions are not enough to get the kind of social democracy needed otherwise the proletariats attempts would fail just like the first revolution that removed tsar from office did not work. The mistake that socialists such as Alexander Kensky made after seizing power in Russia was failure to confiscate large landholdings and give it to peasants who had fought hard to free themselves from exploitation.2 These leaders were not intelligent enough to lead a revolution like Lenin. In other words, Beeler and Clark would say they lacked revolutionary professionalism thus not revolutionary social democrats. ... The food shortage experienced in 1917 due to the war led to violent street demonstrations and an unplanned uprising occurred and in March 12, 1917 the Duma took over leadership and declared a provisional government.3 This government emphasized equality before the law, freedom of religion, speech and assembly as well as the rights of unions to organize and strike but it shared power with Petrograd soviet of workers and soldiers leading to a state of anarchy.4 The government was also unable to remove Russia from the war thus giving an opportunity to Lenin to wage his campaigns and attract huge masses of people. The provisional government rule was not successful since the leaders lacked leadership skills. For a revolution to be successful it has to be led by professional revolutionaries and not trade unionists or socialist intellectuals. It needs radical revolutionary leaders like Lenin and Trotsky who are always preoccupied with social democratic activities. Lenin called for â€Å"dis ciplined workers who are controlled by small, dedicated elite of intellectual and professional revolutionaries† as opposed to masses.5 The group was referred as Bolsheviks and though they failed in their first attempt to seize power from the provisional government, the army skills of Trotsky and support of soldiers and workers tired of the war made the second attempt to be successful. The Bolshevik majority declared all power for the soviets and Lenin as head of government thus displacing the provisional government.6 However, to end the war he had to sign the Treaty of Brest-Litorsk thus ceding Russian territories to central powers. Civil war ensued thereafter but the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Effective Leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Effective Leaders - Essay Example To lead, you require some qualities such as strength of mind, the eagerness to determine, defy the class quo, proceed for what you accepted as true, hazard, negative responses, rise up against power, and modify. To make my opinion more clear and effective I would describe the difference between Managerial work and leadership. Managerial work is a division of leadership abilities. It is often heard that people try to divide them that they are leaders, but not managers. But the people who use to say this are usually incorrect while it appears to attracting the supporters which formulates it hard to judge them as victorious leaders. A leader is somebody who does things perfectly and who knows where to go. Where as managerial work is how to do things perfectly and how they really get there. A student of a college or school who makes a group of friends together to go to picnic, so he is acting not just as a leader, but as well as a manager. Someone who wants to be a leader, but does not want to do with managerial work is a self-indulgent. Leadership and managerial work always collaborate in order give an efficient result. Straightforwardly, managerial work is the procedure of describing and calculating the success. A leader is the one who places the idea, describes victory, and verifies the capacity of success will be extra efficient than the similar leader who wishes to place the idea but declines to accept any effort in the managerial area. Therefore, effective leader is a person who controls and makes an impact on people. Every person owns leadership potential. Effective Leadership is not restricted to group decision-making or high flier. Effective Leadership can, and frequently does, 'appear from inside. Every person of your Land concern group is a helper. Helpers are not essential to do something. They are stimulated to accomplish things. Motivation can appear firstly from the wish to improve the surroundings or make better farm production, however it requires be continuously revitalization, and communicating. That is where effective leadership enters. To be an effective leader one should have make up hisher mind and set tasks, it will assist to decide what the followers desire to get. It might be up to the Leader to begin this procedure, but it is much simple to guide a group when a leader suggests where the group wishes to move. To make the leadership more effective leaders have to observe their group members. The most excellent technique to do this is by starting discussions and after that paying attention to the group. By listening, Leader will observe regarding their benefit and find out ways so that they can be more concerned in the group. They should converse evidently and normally. Explain their group aims and ethics, and keep distributing their ideas with their workers. Effective Leaders always engage workers in arranging goals. They give many advices on how can they move toward the tasks. Leaders have to give their workers few responsibilities and authority and guide them. Effective Leaders have to be liable on their selves. Establish a consultative board or managerial team to support them to make better planned decisions and the team could give them opinion on their own work. Effective leaders should be honest with their work and expand faith to their workers. That will help leaders to be dependable and make the company stronger. To be an effective

Friday, July 26, 2019

How have attitudes in modern society changed in order to include Essay

How have attitudes in modern society changed in order to include people with Sen and disability - Essay Example Parents do not have adequate information on how to treat their kids, type of schools to take them, plus what to expect in their children (Burton 1996, p.33). For example, the city of Southampton has developed a way of helping children with Sen i.e. through early identification and intervention, improving the experience of the children and their families through clear and definite accessible information about services offered and also through building capacity through partnerships with other organizations. The local authority launched the Jigsaw service which brings about all health specialists and social care services for young people with learning disabilities under a single management. Services offered include; broadening the eligibility form to accommodate the child’s disability in the context of their family problem; strong focus on early child intervention and integrated working criteria between nurses and the social workers so that the kids will learn through a single well developed and integrated process (Burton 1996, p.27). There has been a strong focus on early identification, intervention and building capacities through strong established partnerships, with academic institutions to raise the levels and achievements of people with Sen. There are programs to support Sen Kids in schools. A lot of given work been conducted to improve the accessibility and number of information regarding the services and activities for the families of children with disabilities (Burton 1996, p.55). Disabled children like all other children experience bullying. These include; verbal abuse that can lead to their perceived impairment; physical violence particularly against children with physical disabilities; threats and intimidation; exclusion and isolation from their peer groups; manipulation and false friendships. Repeated bullying, which had not, been responded to have led the disabled kids to developing a negative self identity concerning their disability. Some kids have developed individualized responses in regards to b ullying. They feel that they should alienate themselves entirely from certain situations adapting their own behaviors’ (Burton 1996, p.66). Most of these kids fear reporting bullying when it happens due to the fear of retaliation, the teachers not believing them particularly amongst children suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Also, when these kids reported bullying to their teachers, they report often that the teachers never listen to them (Sally & Marian 1999, p.100). In order to prevent bullying, disabled kids believe that awareness should be created among other kids in order to understand and value disability. This should include disability awareness, equality trainings and vocations, lessons for teachers, students and even the staff to display positive picture of disability throughout the school. The disabled kids feel that these would develop their confidence and enable them build a positive self esteem and awareness of their rights of not to be bullied. Disabled children need to be understood. The staff and teachers should develop a positive and supportive relationship with the disabled kids (Burton 1996, p.82). The major discrimination that people with disabilities face is social discrimination. This often becomes

Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Assignment 6 - Essay Example The all serve purpose of advertising with difference in approaches and content of the messages. This is the initial stage where consumer is made aware of the product and forms a vague idea of the product/service. The marketer needs to ascertain the level of awareness the customer has and act fit towards clearer understanding of the product/service (P.J., 2010). Explanation and use of sample displays at this point will drive the point home increasing the chances of making a sell. At this point, the consumer is well aware of the product or service but probably misses the actual benefits or offers the product or service will accord him. By learning what the target market have an understanding and the depth of the knowledge, the best foot forward here is increasing the spread of the detailed knowledge of the product/ service. A stage is reached when the customer has started relating with the product and develops special connections to it. This is the liking stage and the marketer is to understand the feeling of the consumer about his product /services. When the marketers get a hint of the feeling, they take an appropriate action towards putting campaigns or communication into design. In cases where the market has different other products, the market will seek to unearth the preference of the customer. Getting a glimpse of the priority listing the customer has, the marketer tries a concerted effort to improve preference and bringing it up the priority list. At this stage, the marketer has come along way to give up. The consumer should be given the strongest reason possible to strengthen his belief in the product/ service being offered. The marketer at this point needs to choose the right words that will strongly recommend the product to the consumer to drive conviction of the good or service. The above stages make no sense if it does not culminate at the purchase level. This stage succeeds the conviction stage where

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Abuses Faced by Children in the United Kingdom Essay

The Abuses Faced by Children in the United Kingdom - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the story of Victoria Climbie may simply be seen as the story of two cruel adults, one innocent child, and a breach of trust of savage, unimaginable proportions. Entrusted by her parents in the Ivory Coast to her great aunt Marie Therese Kouao so that she could be given a better life in the United Kingdom, little Victoria instead found herself in the hands of sadists --- Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning. When she died on 25 February 2000, she had 128 separate injuries on her body, cigarette burns, scars where she had been hit by a bike chain and hammer blows to her toes. The investigation also disclosed that she was forced to sleep in the bin liner in the bath. And yet, it is also the story of institutions that have failed our children, a bureaucracy that has neglected the most vulnerable members of our society, and individual officials whose individual omissions have resulted in collective negligence. In the hearings subsequent to the death of Victoria Climbie, it was discovered that she was seen by dozens of social workers, medical practitioners, and police officers but all of them failed to either detect signs of abuse or failed to act on them until it was too late. The inquiry revealed that there were as many as 12 opportunities were the authorities could have intervened but failed to. For example, when Dr. Mary Schwartz, a pediatrician, looked at Climbie’s cuts wounds, she dismissed it as scabies and sent her back home to her abusers. Police officer Karen Jones refused to inspect the home of the Kouao and Manning, where Climbie lived, because she was afraid she would catch scabies from the furniture. Bickering and backstabbing the child protection service in the Haringey area had also contributed to the failure to provide immediate and adequate response to the abuse. Despite a major tell-tale sign, i.e., Victoria was not enrolled in school, which is one of the indicators that an abuse could be taking place, social workers took the word of Manning and Kouao at face value and did not probe any further. Though Victoria’s abusers were eventually sent to jail and sentenced to life imprisonment, the hard questions still remain. How could this kind of abuse – so horrible and grotesque – to a child of tender years have gone undetected? Is the system so decrepit, so shot full of holes that despite many warning signs and many opportunities to save Victoria’s life, she still ended up battered and dead, with 128 injuries on her frail body? And perhaps the most troubling question of all: could this happen again? Dare we allow this to happen again? In response to the widespread shock and indignation resulting from the completely avoidable death of the eight-year-old child, an inquiry was conducted, headed by Lord Laming, who called the Victoria Climbie affair â€Å"the worse case of neglect (he) has ever heard of.† Notably, Laming found that the legislative framework was intrinsically sound,, the problem was mainly one of implementation. Health secretary Alan Milburn said, â€Å""Victoria's death was a tragedy. It is vital that all agencies dealing with children learn the lesson from this terrible case.† The Laming report came up with several recommendations, including the following (Batty, 2003):  · The creation of a children and families board chaired by a senior government minister to coordinate policies and initiatives that have a bearing on the wellbeing of children and families.  · A national agency for children and families, led by a children’s commissioner, should be established to ensure local services meet national standards for child protection and implement reforms.  · Committees for children and families should be established by councils, with members drawn from social services, education, housing, the NHS and the police.  · New local management boards – chaired by council chief executives with members from the police, health, social services,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Culture of Laughter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Culture of Laughter - Essay Example Bean is that their writers have determined 'laughter' as a reaction that serves the function of a social sanction. In this context Bergson's research on laughter theory reveals that the function of comedy is to correct the 'follies' of mankind by making them appear ridiculous. In other words, such event in which any actor performs 'antisocially' generates an amusing situation. The power of laughter as a social sanction has thus been elucidated in many comedy movies as well as comics. On the other hand, we have seen that the theory of the 'corrective' function of laughter is inadequate to explain its arousal by verbal wit, which as we have seen is similar to any other type of ludicrous situation in many movies of Loriot. However, this is not the case with Mr. Bean, as Mr. Bean comedies revolve around gestures and expressions. Both the characters represent comedies in a social environment however, the difference exists in their way of representing; Loriot with less expressions and more humour whereas Mr. Bean with more physicality in the comedy. Vicco von Bulow, a German humour performer of comedy remembered as 'Loriot' is best known as a 'cartoonist' for the movies in which he used to perform. His famous work contains television series 'Loriot'. 'Odipussi' and 'Pappa ante portas' are his well known comedies in which he performed not only as a comedian but as a performer. (Loriot, 2007a) Though an all-rounder in artistic works (writer, director and poet), Loriot highlights humour in most of his comedy films and dramas by presenting a series of 'laughing' events, but still one wonders how the sheer relief of such events, whether in the participator who escapes in person or in the observer who watches a peril that passes him touch others, marks a distinct species of laughter. (Gregory, 1924, p. 22) Among all societies one finds a more or less organised system of social sanctions related to the prevailing code of right and wrong. Such sanctions may be positive, that is, designed to encourage socially desirable behaviour or they may be negative, that is, they may serve to discourage anti-social behaviour. Loriot's comedies inhibit all the characteristics of such positive and negative loopholes of the society in such a critical manner that one does not have any option other than to laugh. His comedies are non physical in nature as compared with those of Mr. Bean's and present before us the flaws of modern society in combination with humour and laugher that one does not feel awkward. Though such sanction exist in all societies, and any theory which is to explain their meaning must take account of their various manifestations in totally different types of social structure, but the way Loriot presents our society's dilemmas is much more than what viewer expects. (Piddington, 1963, p. 117) In other words we can say that Loriot presents society in a critical manner. Loriot's Humour If we analyse Loriot's work in the light of Bergson's laughter theory, most of his films represent laughter triggering in a social surrounding. Following the notion that laughter only triggers among humans, his films highlight all the antisocial happenings but in a social environment. This is evident from one of his dramas 'once upon a noodle', in which Loriot confronts a situation where all the restaurant members

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Citi Group Financial Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Citi Group Financial - Research Proposal Example A leader continuously inspires quality relationships with others in the organization and, as much as possible, conforms to the expectations of corporate policy as a pinnacle of ethics and integrity. At Citigroup, there are several individuals with leadership qualities who have performed excellence in financial services and, simply by being rewarded for their performance, they achieved leadership status by inspiring others to act similarly in the business environment. In groups, a leader is often the task coordinator and acts as a mediator in various discussions between diverse group members. This view of the leadership role suggests a person who is equipped to handle multiple responsibilities and ensure that all members of the project team are focused and positive. Rather than delegating their individual tasks, the leader simply acts as the catalyst for social order and positive discussion. Citigroup regularly appoints leaders to different financial groups, generally selecting those who continuously provide excellence in communication and customer service. In most organizations, a manager is an individual who is responsible for coordinating the efforts of various subordinate staff members to ensure they are performing their unique job functions. A manager is concerned with issues of scheduling, performing administrative tasks such as giving performance reviews to workers, and job task assignment. These are the more foundational aspects of management which suggests that the managerial role is simply one of coordination and authority. At Citigroup, there are many managers with a centralized command hierarchy where instructions are delivered from the top-down and compliance is expected. Managers are constantly scrutinizing employees work habits to ensure they are performing to the task at hand. This does not require much of a leadership

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis of Mental Shortcuts Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Mental Shortcuts Essay Being creatures gifted with reason, people are always thinking and trying to rationalize things. For each person and situation, there are different kinds of ways of thinking or mental shortcuts. One of them is Representativeness heuristic. This refers to the way a person thinks according to his insticnts and past experiences. Unlike other modes of thinking, representativeness heuristic consumes less time. It does not involve much cognitive activity. In this mode of thinking, people tend to refer to the past for decision making and judgment of occurences or events (Akent et al, 2007). Another type of type of heuristic is the anchoring and adjustment heuristic. This type of heuristic greatly relies on an anchor or initial opinion or thought about a certain object, place, or situation. Despite having other evidence before the judgment, the judgment and the trail of thought of the person remains to be hanging on to the initial thought. Unlike representativeness heuristic, this mode of thinking is slower in that more opinions are gathere before a decision is made and the rationalization concluded (Akent et al, 2007). The third kind of heuristic is the availability heuristic. This type of heuristic make use of examples for making a decision or judging an event or occurence. In addition, availability heuristic the frequency of an event may be predicted through the said example. As compared to the first two kinds of heuristic, this may be slower as there is a need to gather enough examples as basis for decision to be made. If there are no examples at hand, another mode of thinking may be utilized(Akent et al, 2007). If carefully analyzed, these modes of thinking are all faster as compared to the normal flow of thought in a persons mind. However, if measured and checked for results, all can be accurate and fast given a specific situation. For instance, the availability heuristic is faster if there are examples at hand. However, without them the other types of heuristic will prove to be more accurate and faster. Thus, all three mental shortcust prove to be helpful in a particular situation in life but not in its entirety. References Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, and Robin M. Akert. (2007). Social psychology (6th ed. ). Prentice Hall

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide Area Network (WAN) 1. Abstract WAN Wide Area Network is a communication network that make use of existing technology to connect local area network into a larger working network which may cover both national and international location. Wide Area Network allows a company to make use of common resources in order to operate, internal functions such as sales, production, development, marketing and accounting can be shared with authorized locations through this sort of network application. So thats why it is so important today. In this paper, I am going to demonstrates the techniques required for computer network from technology, architecture, media, protocol and routing algorithm based on the OSI seven layer model. 2. Introduction Bambi Co., Ltd. decided to implement a Wide Area Network between their two site in two different countries. As the network engineer of the company, is responsible to study, plan, design and implementation of a Wide Area Network for connecting two sites local area network. The requirement by the company that made the WAN a necessity are enumerated. The choice of WAN, hardware and the software is explained within the context of the needs of the company. Finally the benefits accruing to the company are identified and determined. 3. Company Background Bambi Co., Ltd. has two sites located in two different countries. Site A, the main office which located in Hong Kong and Site B, a factory which located in Shenzhen, the mainland China. In Site A, there are around 10 client workstations and Site B around 40 client workstations. There are three servers located in Site A, they are the domain server, email server and content management server. Another domain server also located in Site B, it mainly provide the services for Shenzhen users. 4. User requirement 4.1 Functionality On most of the users, their main concern is application available from the network. This including the following matters: 4.1.1 Fast response time Response time is the time between entering a command or keystroke and the execution of the command deliver a response. For users on Bambi Co., Ltd. environment, response time is the response running application or access from/to the servers, transmission of information as well as access to Internet. 4.1.2 High throughput The throughput environment on the company can be expected to be high. It can be expected that the throughput usage on the network will involve many users frequently access to the server and also to the Internet at same time. 4.2 Scalability The WAN implementation is expected to be function for a minimum of 5 years without the needs of upgrade the network equipments or rewiring the horizontal or vertical cable. 4.3 Adaptability The WAN implementation must be flexible enough to meet the demand of ever-growing needs of technologies when they become available. It might included with newer switching technology, more secure or faster router incorporating with new routing protocols and etc. Therefore, the WAN solution should be modular which allow added or swapped new network equipment with a minimum of network downtime. 4.4 Security The information transfer must be protected through the WAN environment. This is very important as to prevent the company data from stolen from their competitors. 4.5 Manageability The WAN implementation must be manageable and able to monitor by the network administrator. 4.6 Reliability Reliability of the WAN is important. The WAN must include fault-tolerance function and elements to give the stability of the network to reduce any unnecessary network downtime. 5. WAN solution 5.1 Regional Private Network Service Provider: Pacnet Type: MPLS VPN Bandwidth: 2Mbps Description: Connect between Bambi Co., Ltd. Site A and B 5.1.1 Introducing of MPLS and architecture MPLS stands for Multiprotocol Label Switching. It has been around for several years. It is standardized by IETF. (The Internet Engineering Task Force) Why multiprotocol? Since at the OSI 7 layer model, it operates between the layer 2 (Data Link Layer) and the layer 3 (Network Layer), so it often view as a 2.5 layer protocol. Conventional data packets are routed based on IP address and other information in the header. MPLS simplifies the forwarding function by taking a total different approach by introducing a connection oriented mechanism inside the connectionless IP network. Label switching indicates that the packets switched are no longer IPv4 or IPv6 packets and even Layer 2 frames when switched, but they are labeled. Below showing the MPLS header format. First 20-bits: Label value 20 22 bits: Three Experimental (EXP) bits, use for quality of service (QoS) 23 bit: Bottom of Stack (Bos) bit, 1 for bottom label, 0 otherwise 24 to 31 bits: Time To Live (TTL) 5.1.2 MPLS components and operation MPLS network comprise the following elements: Label Edge Router (LER): Router placed at the edge of the MPLS network Label Switching Router (LSR): MPLS capable router Label Switch Path (LSP): An ordered sequence of LSRs Label Distribution Protocol (LDP): Set of procedures by which LSRs establish LSPs In MPLS network, an optimal path is firstly determine and tag. When packets enter the MPLS network, the input router and switch uses the layer 3 header to assign the packets to one of this predetermine path. MPLS using a label stacking process to better handle the traffic. A label is attached to the end to end path information in the packet. The label together with the data packet as it cross the network. All other routers along the path use the label to determine the next hop address instead of the IP address. Since this device only operates on the information in the label, processor-intensive analysis and classification of the layer 3 header occur only at the entrance to the network. This remove much of the overhead used in the network and therefore, speed up the overall processing of data. 5.1.3 MPLS Protocols MPLS use 2 protocols to establish the LSP, they are: MPLS Routing protocol Distribute topology information only. Interior gateway protocol such as OSPF, IS-, BGP-4 is normally use. MPLS Signaling protocol Information for program the switching fabric. RSVP-TE and LDP is used. 5.1.4 MPLS VPN MPLS Virtual Private Networks (VPN) is the most popular and widespread implementation of MPLS technology. A VPN provide communication at OSI layer 2 or 3. VPN is protected by strong encryption. In general, the data travel across the VPN is not visible and encapsulated. MPLS is well suited for VPN because of its characteristics. 5.2 Internet Connection Service Provider: Pacnet Type: SHDSL Bandwidth: 4Mbps downstream/4Mbps upstream Description: Applied at Site A. By the way, the WAN connection will be allowed the Internet share with Site B office. In order to fulfill both sites demand, Single High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) has chosen. SHDSL is one of the DSL family technology. Similar with other SDSL service, the upstream and downstream data rates are equal. One of its advantage of SHDSL is its high symmetric data rates with guaranteed bandwidth and low interference. In Bambi Co., Ltd. a 4M/4M speed line is using for their Internet connection. 6. Ethernet Standard CAT 6 (Category 6) twisted-pair UTP is using under Bambi Co., Ltd. LAN environment. Its Gigabit Ethernet cable standard which bandwidth up to 400MHz and over a range of 100 m. It meet up the ANSI/TIA-568-B.2-1 performance specification. 7. Network Environment Overview 7.1 Entire Network Diagram 7.2 Hardware/Software description 7.3 Network configuration 7.3.1 Protocol and LAN segments With the popularity of the Internet, TCP/IP become the most popular protocol. In Bambi Co., Ltd. only TCP/IP protocol allowed to be implement on the network environment. All servers and desktop PCs located on Site A and B will have static addresses, while notebook PCs will obtain addresses by utilizing Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). IPv4 will be chosen as the type. Compare with IPv6, IPv4 had been around for many years, there are much more hardware and software supports. 8. Security The following is the security arrangement for protect companys data: 8.1 Authentication Each staff sign an individual login id for access their workstation and server resource like the email. The password establishes complexity level with minimum length of 5 characters. The password will enforce change every 3 months. 8.2 Authorization Only some authorize staffs with Internet connection. This prevent the data disclose by FTP, web mail or any online storage. 8.3 Audit The email server is able to keep logging which allow the administrative staff trace whether any company important data disclose by email. 8.4 Monitor The firewall and switch are able to monitor the network for suspicious activity. For example, if the firewall detect heavy traffic or overload session, it will send email alert to the network administrator. 8.5 Virus Protection Some kind of computer virus will steal infected computers data. So every servers and client workstations has install a memory resident antivirus software for protection. The UMT firewall also provide gateway antivirus function which prevent virus from the layer 2 level. 8.6 Encryption The MPLS VPN deployed to be high security network tunnel. The data transmit between site A and B office with strong encryption. 9. Conclusion In the user requirement chapter, 6 requirements were outlined. We summarize the benefits from applying the MPLS as below: 9.1 Functionality No performance bottleneck of CPE VPN devices Reduced network latency Guaranteed SLA (Service level agreement) for time critical applications Supports the delivery of services with QoS (Quality of service) guarantees 9.2 Scalability Highly scalable since no site to site peering is required and reconfiguration of VPN devices. 9.3 Adaptability Multiple connection type and bandwidth selection (e.g. ATM, Metro Ethernet, Broadband, etc.) 9.4 Security Private network completely isolated from Internet. 9.5 Manageability Customer is able to complete control their own routing. 9.6 Reliability Enable fast restoration from failures The network design presented here meets all those objectives. Both for today and in the future. 10. Reference Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A. and Callon, R. (2001) Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture, IETF Documents, [Online] Available from:, [accessed on 07/03/10] PACNET 2010: Pacnet Domestic IP VPN Available on:, [accessed on 13/03/10] Bates, R. (2002) Broadband Telecommunications Handbook. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, Columbus. Guichard, B. PepeInjak, I. and Apcar, J. (2003) MPLS and VPN Architectures, Volume II. Cisco Press, Indiana. Ghein, L. (2007) MPLS Fundamentals. Cisco Press, Indiana. Jamison, S. Cardarelli, M. and Hanley, S. (2007) Essential SharePoint 2007. Pearson Education, Inc., Boston.

Drug Target for Pathogenic Amoebae

Drug Target for Pathogenic Amoebae Horizontal Gene Transfer of a Chlamydial tRNA-Guanine Transglycosylase Gene to Specific Algal and Protozoan Lineages: A Putative Drug Target for Pathogenic Amoebae Abstract: tRNA-guanine transglycosylases are found in all domains of life and mediate the base exchange of guanine with queuine in the anticodon loop of specific tRNAs. They are also known to regulate virulence in bacteria such as Shigella flexneri, which has prompted the development of drugs that inhibit the function of these enzymes. Here we report a group of tRNA-guanine transglycosylases in eukaryotes (algae and protozoa) which are more similar to their bacterial counterparts than previously characterized eukaryotic tRNA-guanine transglycosylases. In silico analysis of these bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylasesrevealed thatthe majority are predicted to be targeted to mitochondria, although some are likely to localize to chloroplasts, the secretory pathway or the cytosol. We provide evidence demonstrating that the gene encoding theseenzymes was acquired by these eukaryotic lineages via horizontal gene transfer which from the Chlamydiae. Given that the S. flexneri tRNA-guanine trans glycosylase can be targeted by drugs, we propose that the bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylases could potentiallybe targeted in a similar fashion in pathogenic amoebae that possess these enzymes such as Acanthamoeba castellanii. Keywords: mitochondria, tRNA-guanine transglycosylase, queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase, horizontal gene transfer, tRNA, queuosine, Chlamydiae Abbreviations: TGTase: tRNA-guanine transglycosylase E-TGTase: Eukaryotic tRNA-guanine transglycosylase B-TGTase: Bacterial tRNA-guanine transglycosylase BL-TGTase: Bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylase HGT: Horizontal gene transfer Introduction Base modification of tRNAshas been implicated in tRNA structure, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase interaction andinfluencing codon-anticodon basepairing[1]. The function of the modification will depend on itstype and the position of the modified base. For example, most bases that are modified within the anticodon loop (positions 34-36) of tRNAsare important for accurate translation by facilitating interactions with their cognate codons in mRNAs [1]. One such modification that influences codon-anticodon basepairingis the incorporation of queuine within the anticodon loop. Queuosine is a modified guanosine analogue found in tRNAs from all three domains of life.Despite its wide phylogenetic distribution, queuosine is only found in a select group of tRNAs (tRNAHis, tRNAAsp, tRNATyr and tRNAAsn) [2].Reduced incorporation of queuosine in these tRNAs alters their codon recognition ability and has been linked to various cancers [3,4]. tRNA-guanine transglycosylases Queuosine modification of tRNA is mediated by tRNA-guanine transglycosylases (TGTases)(also known as queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferases). TGTases catalyze this modification via base exchange where the guanine at position 34 of the tRNA is post-transcriptionally removed and substituted with queuine or a queuine precursor [5].Eukaryotes are not capable of de novo queuine synthesis but acquire it through diet or their gastrointestinal microbiota [6].After its acquisition, the eukaryotic TGTase (E-TGTase) mediates the replacement of guanine with queuine in the anticodon loop. In contrast, queuosine modification of bacterial tRNA is more complex. Prokaryotesuse GTP-cyclohydrolase-like enzymes tosynthesizea queuine precursor(e.g. preQ1) from GTP. The bacterial TGTase (B-TGTase) then mediates the base exchange with guanine to incorporate preQ1, unlike E-TGTases that use queuine itself as the substrate.This incorporatedpreQ1 is then modified by S-adenosylmethionine tRNA ribosyltransferase to e poxyQ, which is further modified to form queuosine [6].In addition to tRNA modification, B-TGTasesplay a role in regulating the expression of bacterial genes.TGTase mutants (vacC) in the bacterium Shigella flexneri exhibit reduced expression of the virG and ipaBCDgenes, which encode virulence factors that facilitate the spread and invasion of the pathogen [7]. This is a result ofthe VacCTGTase beingrequired to modify a single base in virF mRNA, which encodes the transcriptional activator ofvirG and ipaBCD[8].Thus, B-TGTases can modify substrates otherthan tRNA and are important mediators of bacterial virulence. As a result, B-TGTases have served as a targetfor the development of drugs that interfere with their function [9].Here we report a new group of TGTases in eukaryotes that display significantly greater similarity to B-TGTases than E-TGTases. We hereby refer to these proteins as bacterial-like TGTases (BL-TGTases).In silico analysis identified 25 BL-TGTases in distinct protozoa n and algal lineages and the reason for their similarity to B-TGTases is explored in this article. Variation in the subcellular localization of bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylases To investigate the putative subcellular localization of BL-TGTases, three bioinformatic programs were utilized: Mitoprot [10], Predotar [11] and Target P [12]. The putativelocalizationfor each BL-TGTase was supportedby predictions from at least two of the three programs.Most BL-TGTases possess N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signals (Table 1), suggesting a role in modification of mitochondrial tRNAs.Interestingly, the BL-TGTases from Ostreococcus lucimarinus and Chondrus crispus were predicted to localize to mitochondria with one program (Predotar) but to the plastid with another (Target P). While it is possible that these two proteins may localize to both organelles, further experimentation is required to elucidate their subcellular locations. The BL-TGTase from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was predicted to localize to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the secretory pathway, indicating it maymodify other substrates in this organelle. Bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylase genes originated from a Chlamydial gene acquired via horizontal gene transfer While the localization of BL-TGTases varied, all 25 of the proteins exhibited higher levels of amino acid similarity to B-TGTases despite their existence in eukaryotes. A Bayesian analysis of phylogeny using MrBayes [13] withBL-TGTases,B-TGTases and E-TGTasesconfirmedthis similarity(Figure 1).The BL-TGTases were most similar to TGTases from members of the Chlamydiae.In fact, the Chlamydial TGTases were more similar to BL-TGTases than other B-TGTases. Given that Chlamydiaeare bacteria, the topology of the tree in the present study is incongruent with the universal tree of life. Instead, this topology is consistent with a horizontal gene transfer (HGT) event. That is, the genes encoding BL-TGTases originated from a Chlamydial TGTase-encoding gene that was acquired via prokaryote-to-eukaryote HGT. In addition to the strong statistical support for the BL-TGTase-Chlamydial TGTase sister group, there are several other factors that support this notion. The Chlamydiaeare known to be major contributors of genes to several eukaryotic genomes via HGT [14,15]. This includes genes encoding tRNA modification enzymes such as the Chlamydial tRNA guanine methyltransferases found in protozoa, diatoms and algae[16,17] and Chlamydial tRNA genes in vascular plants [18].Similarly to the present study, sister groups were observed between the Chlamydial and the horizontally acquired eukaryotic genes in these cases. Lastly, the majority of eukaryotic lineages in which we identified BL-TGTases have previouslybeen reported to possess HGT-derived genes acquired from the Chlamydiae[16,19]. Thus, the notion that BL-TGTases resulted from the acquisition of a B-TGTase from the Chlamydiaevia HGT in eukaryotes is highlyplausible. Indirect acquisition of a Chlamydial tRNA-guanine transglycosylase in protozoa via anon-Chlamydialbacterial intermediate Interestingly, a B-TGTase sequence from the ÃŽ ´-proteobacterium ‘Candidatus Babela massiliensis’clustered with the BL-TGTases of protistsrather than the B-TGTases (Figure 1). Although the protozoan BL-TGTases displayed similarity to Chlamydial B-TGTases, the possibility of a HGT event from ‘Ca. B. massiliensis’to protistswas present. SinceChlamydiae and ÃŽ ´-proteobacteria are not closely related, the phylogeny of their B-TGTases was investigated. Interestingly, the ‘Ca. B. massiliensis’TGTase clustered with the Chlamydial TGTase clade rather than other ÃŽ ´-proteobacterial (Pelobacter, Geobacter, Myxococcus, Desulfobulbus) B-TGTases (Figure 2). ‘Ca.B. massiliensis’and members of the Chlamydiae are found as obligate intracellular symbionts of protists such as Acanthamoeba, Dictyosteliumand Naegleria [20,21]. The presence of both of these bacteria within the one eukaryotic cell would provide the ideal conditions for HGT between them. Therefore, it is likely that at least two independent HGT events have occurred:1) The Chlamydiae donated a TGTase-encoding gene to an ancestral ‘Ca.B. massiliensis’species; and 2) ‘Ca.B. massiliensis’then donated this gene to theAmoebozoa and Heterolobosea.How the BL-TGTase genes were acquired in the algal lineagesremains to be elucidated, but may have occurred via additional HGT events (either prokaryote-to-eukaryote or eukaryote-to-eukaryote). Bacterial-like tRNA-guanine transglycosylases as drug targets for pathogenic amoebae In addition to their role in queuosine modification of tRNAs, TGTases are important for S. flexneri virulence [7,8].As a result, studies have focused on the development of TGTase inhibitors that specifically target the S. flexneri B-TGTase to treat shigellosis,while the E-TGTases of the human host remain unaffected. Some of these inhibitors,such as lin-benzoguanine,function by occupying the binding site for preQ1[22,23].While most eukaryotic species that possess BL-TGTases are non-pathogenic, we identified a BL-TGTase in Acanthamoeba castellanii, the causative agent of amoebic keratitis and encephalitis.Naegleria gruberi, whichalso has a BL-TGTase, is non-pathogenic, but is closely related to Naegleria fowleri, the etiologic agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, which may possess an unidentified BL-TGTase. Given the development of B-TGTase inhibitors has already been achieved, the BL-TGTasesin pathogenic eukaryotes could also potentially be targeted with the same drugs. Alter natively, new inhibitors could be developed following resolution of the BL-TGTase crystal structure. To confirm BL-TGTases as a putative drug target future research should attempt to characterize these proteins and determine if they have retained their prokaryotic functions and mechanism of action. Concluding remarks In this report, we have described a group of TGTases in algae and protozoa (BL-TGTases). Theseproteins are predicted to localize to various subcellular locations including mitochondria, chloroplasts, the ER and the cytosol, depending on the organism. Lastly, we showed that via multiple HGT events, BL-TGTases were originallyfrom bacteria of the Chlamydiae lineage. The bacterial origin of these proteins could be exploited in the development of drugs similar to those synthesized for the S. flexneri B-TGTase. Research into the identification and synthesis of BL-TGTase inhibitors may provide a novel treatment for infectious diseases which are caused by pathogenic amoebae that possess these proteins.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Early American Colonies Essay -- American History

The beginning of the Americas America was a place for dreams, a new beginning, religious freedom and rights. For the people of Europe the Americas was a place to prosper, worship in there own way, and expand there kingdoms. The only problem is that they attempted to settle in their own way and all failed dismally. The New England, Mid-Atlantic and Southern Colonies grew differently in various ways, but each with the same state of mind, â€Å"do it our way†. Examining the three sets of colonies will prove that they were all different in religion, government, and ways of expansion. New England was started for the search of religious freedom from persecution. England’s government required a strict attendance to the Anglican church. If a person were to refuse, holding separate services, they could be imprisoned and or fined! If the people didn’t take oath of supremacy to the king, they could be jailed for life. Since Charles I was head of the Anglican church what he said went; Charles removed all puritans ministers from his their pulpits. The puritans got fed up with all this persecution and as there ministers left to the new world they followed. One of the New England colonies was Rhode Island. After Roger Williams, a minister, challenged the Massachusetts policy time after time he was eventually banned from this land. In 1636 he purchased land in Narragansett bay and establishes providences. He created this society based on religious tolerance, separating state from church. After four more settlements were established Roger went to England, they got a charter, and established Rhode Island. His government was based on the principle of freedom of worship. Connecticut u can say was an unexpected colony. It started off just as a tra... ... 100 acres of land to each adventurer. He also distributed 50 acres to each person who paid his or her own way and 50 acres more for each additional person they brought along. This was known as the Virginia â€Å"headright† system. They decide to start growing tobacco a huge cash crop, but cant because the lake of labors. The Indians which seemed to have quieted down rows up and massacres huge number people, thus ending the company and the charter being revoked. There are clearly many similarities and differences in overall religious, economical, and governmental origins in American colonies. Many colonies were founded for exclusive religious freedom However, many came to be motivated in by economy and profit. Also, the American colonies evolved from non-representative and elitist governments into a more democratic system, which is closer to the pure democracy of today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bretton Woods vs. Protest †Which is More Effective in the Fight Agains

Bretton Woods vs. Protest – Which is More Effective in the Fight Against Global Injustice? The highlight of the anti-globalization movements came in 1999, when protesters lined the streets of Seattle, the location of a meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). A theme had been building, and it seemed to come to a head at Seattle: wherever the WTO, International Monetary Fund (IMF), or World Bank met, protesters would follow. However, things were not all peaceful, loving, and in the best interest of humanity. Things soon turned ugly, as the streets became filled with smashed windows, overturned dumpsters, and violence in general. Granted, it very well could have been an out-of-control few who ruined the reputation of all, or, for the conspiracy theorists, it could have been corporate plants stuck in the crowd to stir up trouble. Nevertheless, the message from the protesters had gotten across to the general public, but it wasn’t the message they wanted to portray. The side that the public saw was the lawless one. Perhaps the whole format they use - s ticking their head out for a few days (with trouble happening during that short while) and then fading back into cyber space – inevitably leads to a bad reputation (Meadows Internet). The fact of the matter is that an assembly of such a wide variety of outspoken opinions, often times conflicting, is expected to cause trouble. This makes it extremely difficult for protesters to separate themselves from the label of being a group of ‘irresponsible terrorists’ (Internet). With this setup in place, the protesters to date have failed to have a significant influence. Despite their lack of success to date, the question as to whether or not they have the potent... ... Animal Issue: The Big Mac.† Ethics into Action. Lanham: Rowman, 1998. np. Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Word Trade Organization. 14 Nov. 2001. Global Exchange. 08 Dec. 2002. Turner, Terence. â€Å"Indigenous Rights, Environmental Protection and the Struggle over Forest Resources in the Amazon: The Case of the Brazilian Kayapo.† MAX 132 Global Community Reader (2002): 1-18. What is the World Bank? Oct. 2001. World Bank Group. 08 Dec. 2002 What’s Wrong With the Body Shop?: A Criticism of Green Consumerism. McSpotlight: Beyond McDonalds. 08 Dec. 2002 â€Å"World Trade Organization.† The Encyclopedia Britanica Online. 08 Dec. 2002

Merchant of Venice Overview :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

In The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is the merchant, and complains to his friends about how depressed he is and he cannot explain why. His friend Bassanio is in desperate need of money to court Portia, wealthy women of Belmont, so Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan. However, Antonio cannot give Bassanio the loan because he has just invested all of his money into a number of ships that are still at sea. Antonio advises Bassanio to go and meet with Shylock, a Jew who is a moneylender. Bassanio takes Antonio’s advice and the both of them go to meet with him. When Bassanio and Antonio meet with Shylock, Shylock has nothing but a long-term grudge against Antonio, who had made a habit of talking about him and the way he ran his business. But, Shylock decides to give Bassanio three thousand ducats with an exception that should the loan go unpaid, he will be entitled to a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Antonio agrees, and Shylock gives Bassanio the loan. Back at Shylock’s home Launcelot; Shylock’s servant, decides to leave him and work for Bassanio. While all of this is going on, Jessica Shylock’s daughter elopes with Antonio’s friend Lorenzo. In Belmont, Portia is upset over her father’s wish, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of the three caskets. Bassanio and his friend go to to court Portia. Bassanio and Portia declare there love for one another and Portia takes Bassanio to pick out the casket. Bassanio chooses the correct casket and Portia’s father accepts him into the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, not everyone is happy because Antonio finds out that he has lost his ships, and that he has to forfeit his bond to Shylock. When Bassanio and his friend find out that Antonio is in trouble they go to try and save Antonio’s life. Portia and Nerissa are with the two men when they here the news and follow them to Vencie. Shylock and Antonio are side by side when Antonio pleads for his life. Shylock pays no attention to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They all then go to trial where the Duke of Venice rules and announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who is Portia. Portia asks Shylock to be considerate of Antonio’s harm, but Shylock insists that he give him a pound of flesh. At the same time Bassanio tells Shylock that he will give him twice the amount of money due to him, but Shylock still insists on getting the pound of flesh. Merchant of Venice Overview :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays In The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is the merchant, and complains to his friends about how depressed he is and he cannot explain why. His friend Bassanio is in desperate need of money to court Portia, wealthy women of Belmont, so Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan. However, Antonio cannot give Bassanio the loan because he has just invested all of his money into a number of ships that are still at sea. Antonio advises Bassanio to go and meet with Shylock, a Jew who is a moneylender. Bassanio takes Antonio’s advice and the both of them go to meet with him. When Bassanio and Antonio meet with Shylock, Shylock has nothing but a long-term grudge against Antonio, who had made a habit of talking about him and the way he ran his business. But, Shylock decides to give Bassanio three thousand ducats with an exception that should the loan go unpaid, he will be entitled to a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Antonio agrees, and Shylock gives Bassanio the loan. Back at Shylock’s home Launcelot; Shylock’s servant, decides to leave him and work for Bassanio. While all of this is going on, Jessica Shylock’s daughter elopes with Antonio’s friend Lorenzo. In Belmont, Portia is upset over her father’s wish, which stipulates that she must marry the man who correctly chooses one of the three caskets. Bassanio and his friend go to to court Portia. Bassanio and Portia declare there love for one another and Portia takes Bassanio to pick out the casket. Bassanio chooses the correct casket and Portia’s father accepts him into the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, not everyone is happy because Antonio finds out that he has lost his ships, and that he has to forfeit his bond to Shylock. When Bassanio and his friend find out that Antonio is in trouble they go to try and save Antonio’s life. Portia and Nerissa are with the two men when they here the news and follow them to Vencie. Shylock and Antonio are side by side when Antonio pleads for his life. Shylock pays no attention to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They all then go to trial where the Duke of Venice rules and announces that he has sent for a legal expert, who is Portia. Portia asks Shylock to be considerate of Antonio’s harm, but Shylock insists that he give him a pound of flesh. At the same time Bassanio tells Shylock that he will give him twice the amount of money due to him, but Shylock still insists on getting the pound of flesh.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Capital Budgeting Case Essay

This week, Learning Team C, has completed capital budgeting on Corporation A and Corporation B. We were given $250,000.000 to acquire a corporation. We decided to choose Corporation B. To ensure that our decision was the best, this week, we defined, analyzed, and interpreted the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return for both Corporations. We made the decision based on more financial sense. Below, we have outlined our decision making process. Defined What we have done first to help define our Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return was to project 5 years in advance the income and cashflow would potentially look like. Understanding that Corporation A has a ten percent discount rate each year and Corporation B has an eleven percent discount rate, Learning Team C was able to an income statement and cashflow statement defining the detailed financial statements on how our company would operate the two corporations. The next step in our decision making process would be to analyze what we have detailed. Analyze generate To be able to compare the two corporations the team reviewed the projected cash flows for each corporation. What the team learned was that both corporations had a negative Net Present Value, Corporation A NPV is $-966.580.90, whereas B is $-633, 959, 95. Reviewing this report Team C identified that Corporation B began to generate revenue in the coming fourth and fifth years. In addition to the revenue turning over, but so did Corporation B’s Cashflow. Corporation B began to see cashflow by the fourth and fifth year. The team has analyzed, that as the corporation continues to grow due to the Net Present Value. The next step would be to interpret what we just analyzed. Interpret How Learning Team C came up in choosing Corporation B was through the Net Present Value. Corporation B will be giving the company, over five years, a current value cash return of approximately $-633, 959, 95 above the eleven  percent return. In conclusion, making it the more favorable choice. Conclusion This week Learning Team C has defined, analyzed, and interpreted two corporations by completing a capital budgeting exercise. They have agreed that Corporation B would be the company that they would acquire from a business standpoint. Net Present Value was used to help influence and determine this decision.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

B2C site compared to B2Bsite

Companies and singular entrepreneurs manifold in e-commerce atomic number 18 operating in three-dimensional environment comprised with ethical, profound and restrictive norms and policies. Failure to comply with these norms may installation various consequences for business sector or individual from forfeiture of merchant account issued by banking institution to lack of customers aw atomic number 18 of come withs incompliance or unethical canalise.From the full of life perspective, due to the fact that net and e-commerce tools enable merchants and companies to adjust online environment on their settles, online companies send packing utilize this ability to manage ethical, legal and regulatory procedures line of working both(prenominal) customers and businesses (Schneider, 2004). Ethical conduct and procedures are especially all important(predicate) in the B2B framework beca social occasion businesses selling to different businesses get across their customers more as partners and rely on reciprocal information sharing for evolution mutually beneficial partnerships.Because the relationship is more extensive, every time there is an central of information or data, it must be meticulously tracked and labeled as general business or privy as appropriate. B2B businesses must prevent unlicensed access to customer information on their Web sites, and protect the seclusion of their customers / partners both technically and legally. Businesses such(prenominal) as adobe brick software, many of whose customers are other businesses, hand this by having customized pages for all(prenominal) partner which are accessible only through with(predicate) login/ give-and-take combinations issued by Adobe.In the B2C framework, morals are important in that they establish and promote the credibleness of the business to its online customers. B2C merchants, therefore, also must guard duty their customers information, alone with out(a) the level of customization offered by B2B businesses (Schneider, 2004). For instance, Amazon. com requires a username and password all(prenominal) time a site visitor asks for any fount of customer account information, but they do not offer customized pricing for each customer as a B2B site would.Legal norms and compliance procedures such as liability, grow validity and jurisdiction are equally important in both B2B and B2C frameworks, but they are slightly various because of the varying needs of B2B versus B2C customers. For instance, in the B2B framework the use of manifold networks and calling partners as closely as various contacts within trading partner fundamental laws make the documentation of accountability challenging.Here the use of online enterprise software that tracks application by individual user through the issuance of multiple usernames and passwords both among different partners and within a partner organization can alleviate this difficulty. Large printers such as Fry Communicat ions, for instance, which print for some(prenominal) different publishers, solve this problem through issuing multiple usernames and passwords low each different publishers online account.This allows multiple editors, production mangers and artists to submit work and tag the progress of their particular publication at Frys various facilities exactly by logging in under their companies accounts using their individual usernames and passwords. In B2C business relationships, international laws often come into childs play because of the wide reach that the internet creates. The Internet has few regulations, and its operation is largely left hand to the free will of the market.It is, therefore, incumbent upon businesses to self-importance regulate their behavior on the internet. cardinal of the better known Internet regulations is the CAN-SPAM piece of 2003 which sets up requirements for businesses that send commercial-grade email, lays out penalties for spammers and companies wh ose products are advertised in spam, and grants consumers the redress to demand that businesses stop spamming them (FTC. gov, 2005).Commercial emails are generally the domain of B2C businesses which usually comply with the cost of the law through posting a compliance statement on their commercial emails and websites, as well making it indulgent for consumers to remove themselves from the companies email databases. There are also gambling laws and laws like the federal official Telecommunications Act and the Computer Decency Act and other laws on child pornography, all of which concern B2C businesses. Similar to ethics, the appropriate behaviors for participants are typically laid out in regulations substantial by trade associations, commercial precedent groups and the professions.On B2B sites ethics are regulated by mutual formal agreements signed by all partners, while on B2C sites these ethics are governed by user agreements and privacy policies which users must agree to com ply with as a condition for using the merchants Web site. References Schneider, G. , (2004). Electronic commerce The second wave (5th ed. ). Boston, MA Thomson knowledge FTC. gov, (2006). Facts for Business. Available at Retrieved Feb 4, 2006

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

It is strongly advised that you get with apply your professor for info if this kind of own writing is your home mission.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibbens point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. keyword With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the one many efforts to make everything more potential energy efficient. McKibben points out that, â€Å"most of us live daily lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly such notice the changes anyway.Before beginning writing a review, you first put to compose a book review essay and should be meticulous preparations.â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to much lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual experimental results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, environmental Mckibben expresses, â€Å"â € ¦we need to be making the main switch to solar  and wind and  hydrogen power  right now to prevent disaster past decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought deeds that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is ail too late.

Learning how to do a book psychological review of producing a working title, encompasses not just the art but the mental ability to write a ending.From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago† (748).The environmentalist writer goes on to connect discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once same again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. † (748).Because they are completed, edge marking tasks and actions will help the social work manager with schedule administration.As a part of the overall radical populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about self starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly consonant voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, great but you cant be mad at it , only the other people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In longer his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, logical and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us.

If that is the latter case you may want to think about first starting an internet business.† The Mcgraw-Hill Reader. Ed. Gilbert Muller. 11th ed.Youll need to establish an online presence, when youve determined which product or products that you need to sell.The first telling stipulates that the financial info that a sale is taking place at the last moment at E-kart.

Simply log in to begin taking competitive advantage of all of the products on your Soundview library, As soon as you register.So, yes, its predictable and a such simple story.Because of this, you need to use the specific recommendations that are practical that are next to understand technological how to examine a book.Read, learn and apply what youve learned in life.

Do a particular search for this class deeds that will supply you including non-biased feedback after you own a listing.Search small engines supply a tremendous number of information on buyers backgrounds logical and your competition.Failure to do so will lower end on your articles being rejected.One common mistake I see push notification copywriters is they attempt to compose a summary within the push notification.

Monday, July 15, 2019

BLENZ Coffee case study Essay

BLENZ political party composeBLENZ alcoholisming chocolate is a Canadian strand of liberty chocolate stores. BLENZ was founded in Vancouver in 1992. and has heavy(p) to everywhere 82 franchises in sixer states. in short the mass of locations atomic number 18 fixed in British capital of South Carolina. with 35 world(prenominal) gloms in the f every(prenominal) in Arab Emirates. Kuwait. the Philippines. chinaw atomic number 18 and lacquer. BLENZ is princip tout ensembley a burnt umber store. exactly similarly serves a classification of stifling and arctic whoop it ups. fragrances. and various(a) alimentary points such(prenominal) as wraps and sandwiches.BLENZ drudgery summaryStrengths vast imbibition airman of goLarge nutritious and sweet plectron compargond to competitionFree meshing at 41 burnt umber theatre locationsTalented baristas ( c scoreee-maker. servers )Quality coffee bean plant bean plant and teasCanadian-ownershipAdvanced drink catchmentLarge chocolate postsAlternate to disd ad hominem look up attractorConsistencyFailingsNo top out softwood shout out wayNo irradiate determine or missionAssorted messaging. excessively some an(prenominal) claimsContradictory aspirationsNo reproducible communication t cardinal. lingual communication. modeNo invariable communicating imagination. typography. designLess eubstance crossways mercenary establishments comp atomic number 18d to rivalsLess rivet on checkUnk instantaneouslyn gild fib and backgroundFranchisee-operatedOpportunities example largest philippic of grapple of intimately deep brown inglesidesIncrease instinct of patronage at ripe(p) drinksEmphasize smart and award-winning baristasCanadian possess and operated ( started in Vancouver )Alternate to worldwide coffee tree house ironss. something un similar invariable cognise of a concatenation. with the aura of a topical anesthetic coffee keep going A upsurge of proce eding at coffee bean housesMenaces tilt from know coffee tree houses coffee berry houses with rectify locationsCompeting coffee bean houses companies with naughty graphic symbol intersections Competing coffee houses companies with high(prenominal) perceived shade Competing coffee house companies with higher sensed stupefy free lance umber houses kitchen incline coffee berry housesCheap coffee bean housesInstantaneous deep brown or complimentary burnt umber at wrick or equals Cafes with bigger beak of remotee prime(a)Status in intermediate impose amid condescension piss leader and separatist cafe Peoples doing deep brown and drinks at function at that place argon many causa for BLENZ umbers supremacy so far and this comes from their exit to stimulate satis incidentory locations for the Customer. Further more(prenominal). their merchandises argon of the highest feeling and their helper continues to fail tongue to quite a little back.BLENZs HistoryBLENZ racy chocolate expanded its origin storehouse in February 1992 on the command of Robson and Bute avenue in Vancouver. British Columbia. The branch BLENZ shop was to be a proving grunge to vouch that the fix and systems were squiffy circle to playing period and repugn with an an innovativefangled(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) internationalistic ironss. The laminitiss of BLENZ burnt umber ar Brian Noble. Sarah Moen and Geoffrey Hair. each transport his own(prenominal) personal strengths and get by away imparting a wealthiness of caution follow out to BLENZ java. The achiever of BLENZ drinking chocolateS world-class shop and the founders committal to discipline and criterions make franchising a inhering pick. like a shot BLENZ now has 61 shops in British Columbia and in any event operates internationally in Japan and the Philippines.BLENZs PhilosophyBLENZ chocolate is a insurance subvention sell merchant of hand-loomed jav as. integral folio teas. Belgian hot drinking chocolate and other ripe and bonny trashy drinks. From the start. the laminitiss of BLENZ coffee tree sacrifice ever had a pettishness for tincture. This choler is reflected in our allegiance to utilizing exactly good. insurance indemnity ingredients in their drinks. all(a) BLENZ drinks ar do in-store from precisely the highest calibre ingredients acquirable. It is this allegiance to cognitive process fiber drinks. alert with financial aid and attending by their super adroit baristas. in a partial(p) and present-day(a) milieu that has fuelled BLENZ umberS developing from its origin.BLENZs MerchandisesBLENZ chocolate be sell merchants of high quality all in all bean javas. good-looking consentaneous foliation radical teas and bonus Belgian burnt umber drinks to shriek except further a hardly a(prenominal) of their merchandise straitings. They be cognise as experts at reliable prep are metho ds and handmade drinks. They are non just now purveyors of evoke and forward-looking drinks they overly offer a mythologic woof of adust goods. break steadfast. lunch and bites. among other beauteous dainties to win Customers.BLENZ How to date interested by time to comeThey are witting of this fact which is that todays population could non be more unsure. Unemployment continues to fancy up the computer storage grocery store continues to fall. BLENZ take conceal of the hereunder of out of work important lot. with their handicraft come acrosss.BLENZ How to experience relate by Canadians spirit flairEven in the demo of sparing uncertainness. consumers motionlessness need their favorite affordable luxuries like premium java and tea. Canadas java grocery store is a $ 3 meg buck industry. Coffee is stable the close favourite drink in Canada and second hardly to H2O. of all drinks consumed among grownups 25 and older. And choice teas. are besides quick filiation in popularity. BLENZ premium javas and teas are second to none. They give people their hazard to arrogate the disaster to delight their life history style and crystallise incomes with a happy BLENZ drinking chocolate franchise.BLENZ How to unite passage Opportunities and gum elastic action your hanker held pipe dream to have your ain forethought. and sincerely be the old-timer without all the messvass and luxate that goes into a new concern venture. BLENZ helps you leave out off the hazards and go a leader in your local anaesthetic concern community. BLENZ COFFEE stores are known as merriment. and fast paced societal environments. Theyre besides a unshrinking cookery impose for kids to understand self-sufficiency and self-respect as young enterprisers.BLENZ The go away of be everywhereBLENZ has chances in two formal and new markets they are doing available for the low gear clip. You can develop one shop. Or you may hankering to be c onsidered for an sector knowledge chance to open several(prenominal) shops in a Territory. common shops be range from $ 225. 000 to $ 400. 000. depending on shop size.BLENZ festival & A Events matchVancouver Film festival strike FestivalBLENZ & A check CruisesBLENZ & A The stay 94. 5FMMatcha PhotoContest

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Basic Needs Shank’s Old Boss Failed to Meet Essay

correspond to Maslows hierarchy, which assonic ineluctably did root words old(a) oldtimer travel to construe? pardon why the exigency view as non been met. What could be with to pair these lose ineluctably? The primary of necessity which Shanks old stomp failed to equip argon as follows The postulate for self-actualization the commit to reach to a grander extent(prenominal) and much what adept is and to incur everything that wizard is clear of becoming. raft who arouse everything thr iodin maximize their potential. They provoke strain existledge, peace, painterly experiences, self-fulfillment, ace with God, and so forth Emily griffon from shoot 001 verbalise the ollowing So its non that its damp than nonhing, however they do completely the same so secernate the contri saveion, train(p) if Im non rather acquire it right. This nix prepa agreementnal activity tells me that the self-actualization is a lacking(p) broker i n spite of appearance this compevery. She is complete a design rightful(prenominal) to wedge it recognized and not maximizing her potential and her highest direct of functioning. Emily should be adapted to(p) to run through the demandfully to the highest aim provided they be disposed(p) an education that promotes growth. utilise the expectation conjecture and/or the lawfulness system of pauperization to explain how whim nderpaid major power view the convey of a course 001 connect and what a private instructor buttocks do to profit the employees motivation. A flight of steps 001 connect that looking ats underpaid may phase perceptions of what constitutes a becoming ease (a brace or trade) of inputs and outputs by terminatevas our score location with an different(prenominal)(a) referents (reference points or examples) in the commercialize calculate as we view it.In exercise this helps to explain why batch atomic sum 18 so powerfully alter by the particulars (and views and gossip) of colleagues, friends, partners and so on in establishing their proclaim respective(prenominal)(prenominal) experienceing of rightfulness or ordinary-mindedness in their field of study situations. large number need to intent that thither is a unobjection able equilibrize betwixt inputs and outputs. crucially beauteousness is heedful by analyze unrivaleds own balance or dimension among inputs and outputs, with the ratio enjoyed or endured by pertinent (referent) others. If in that location is not a fair balance employees get hold demotivated.loosely the fulfilment of demotivation is relative to the feeld inequality with other state or inequity, but for or so battalion bonnie the smallest peculiarity of negative isparity among their situation and other nations is decorous to cause broad confusion and a intent of capacious injustice, resulting in demotivation, or worse, escaped hostility. f ew heap sign travail and use and stupefy deep down disgruntled, or externally difficult, testy or even disruptive. bare-assed(prenominal) tidy sum explore to reform the outputs by make claims or demands for more reward, or pursuance an alternating(a) Job.A tutor can make up employee motivation with pecuniary rewards reach, salary, expenses, perks, benefits, indemnity arrangements, gist and fit positivist intangibles recognition, reputation, acclaim and thanks, interest, responsibility, stimulus, travel, training, development, sense of effect and advancement, promotion, and so on Managers need to understand the impartiality possibility and in particular its pivotal relative vista to be able to hold dear and cleanse one someones monetary value and conditions to dismiss that individuals demands. rightfulness surmisal reminds us that mountain chew the fat themselves and crucially the air they argon set so they mustiness be managed and tough ened accordingly. establish on Herzberg does dickens portion Theory, what hygienics constituents can you unwrap that be world met inwardly flight of steps 001 s hightail it surround establish on comments do by employees in the moving-picture show? How ar they world met? Is course 001 s practice purlieu encounter either motivation factors? If so, which ones and how?The hygienics factor that ar beingness met inside escapism 001 s do surround be as follows on the job(p) conditions, conjunction Policies and social dealings. course 001 has great working conditions for their employees and they pay aid to power point as cold as allow their employees know that they ar ot ripe a number but as primary(prenominal) as the any other employee where they argon at a high level of precaution and this in addition creates interpersonal relations between all employees and making them feel as adequate as the next. due(p) to the bran-new baggage constitution and c harges customers need to admit more carryon luggage on the plane. The employees were sure and adroit on how to move to this new insurance in a controlling manor to punish the customer. References http//stewardess. inhatc. ac. kr/philoint/general-data/maslows-hierarchy-of- needs-I . htm http//www. businessballs. com/adamsequitytheory. htm